ORNL Supports the DNN University Consortia


  • How do the consortia work?

    The consortia are funded by DNN R&D to do academic research and train students in areas relevant to our nonproliferation mission. Each student funded by the consortium is required to spend at least one summer at a national lab. This time may be spent doing PhD research, learning new skills (such as data science techniques), or exploring related areas of interest (such as policy). Time at the lab is paid by the consortium through the student’s home institution. Time for lab mentors should be primarily covered by the researchers existing projects. In cases where funding is not aligned to timeline or area of expertise, additional internal LLNL funds may be available to the mentor.

  • I am a student who is not currently affiliated with a consortium but I am interested in getting involved, how can I become a consortium member?

    The current consortia are made up of an established group of professors who were successfully awarded the funding. Students who wish to get involved with a consortium should look at the consortia websites (ETI, MTV, NSSC) to find out which universities and professors are involved. Then contact the consortium professors directly to learn about research opportunities.

  • If I’m not a consortium student, can I still do a summer internship at ORNL?

    Yes! ORNL has a variety of internship programs that are not solely affiliated with the consortia. See the Projects page for a list of available opportunities.