Areas: All Analytics and Data ScienceNuclear Modeling and SimulationRadiation Detection and AnalysisSignal and Sample Transport/Analysis Advanced Data Analytics for Proliferation Detection Today, many nations are motivated to develop nuclear arsenals. At the same time, nuclear science and technology are more pervasive, making it easier for a nation to explore nuclear weapons development Analog Signal Processing for Deployable Sensor Systems The power consumption requirements of deployable systems for remote signal detection and signature analysis are of critical concern to the user community. Associated-Particle Imaging Algorithms for Material Identification This project supports development of associated-particle imaging (API) algorithms and improvements to associated-particle alpha detectors in deuterium-tritium (D-T) neutron generators needed to make Capabilities of Connected COTS Power Instruments The capabilities of certain commercial-off-the-shelf, power monitoring instruments (COTSPI) will be investigated to determine applicability to MPD mission areas. Power lines offer communications Conductive Propagation of Signals Various equipment of interest to DNN R&D cause power modulations that can, under some conditions, be used to identify that equipment. Data Analytics Methods for Verifying Nuclear Facility Operations High flux research reactors coupled with radiochemical facilities that contain hot cells receive significant International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards attention because they are a primary Detection and Characterization of Undeclared Irradiation Activities This project is a collaboration of five US institutions that seeks to dramatically advance the ability to infer reactor operation and plutonium inventories in nuclear fuels in support Distributed multi-modal fiber optic sensing for containment verification This project uses fiber optics as containment verification sensors with two modalities: Passive monitoring using strain sensing and as radiation detectors. Embeddable Fiber Bragg Grating UID This project explores the use of Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) to develop a Unique Identifier (UID) that provides robust tamper indication with remote readout capabilities. Evaluation of Safeguards Measurement Performances against the International Target Values The International Target Values (STR-368) provide guidance on accepted performance goals and measurement solutions for IAEA safeguards accountancy programs (INFCIRC/153). Experimental and Computational Investigation of Uranium Particle Formation and Dynamic Behavior Improved understanding of formation of small uranium particles is essential to environmental sampling, emission mitigation, nuclear forensics, and a wide range of NNSA's missions. Fast Time-of-Flight Correlation The Render Safe operation is the ultimate in unknown radiation problems, ranging from nothing at all to the worst thing imaginable. Focused Experiments and Analytics for Research in Detection The capability to characterize activity of interest to DNN has advanced in the last few years due to work performed under the REDACT project in conjunction with other ventures. Gamma and Neutron Imaging This project looks to significantly improve the accuracy of U-235 in LEU holdup deposits by employing gamma-ray and neutron imaging techniques. Geophysical Signatures for Underground Structures Clandestine underground structures are a serious and growing global security threat. There is an urgent need for technology capable of reliably detecting and locating underground structures of various Modeling of historic events for independent validation of GPS/DSP performance This project models the delayed gamma source from atmospheric tests, transport the source to space-based sensors, and compare the modeled signal to measurements for historic events. Multi-Informatics for Nuclear Operations Scenarios The Multi-Informatics for Nuclear Operations Scenarios (MINOS) Venture is employing and developing advanced analytic techniques to explore the potential to utilize disparate data sets from measurable Persistent Dynamics The Persistent DyNAMICS Venture is designin, build, and demonstrating an architecture for dynamically persistent monitoring of nuclear processes. Sensor Networks Powered by Trees This project investigates the ability to harvest power from trees to power a distributed sensor network. Silicon Alpha Detector for DARPA ICONS neutron generator Fast-neutron radiography and tomography using Associated Particle Imaging (API) Deuterium-Tritium (D-T) neutron generators are currently under investigation for various end-use applications. Single Volume Scatter Camera Development In order for passive neutron imaging to provide value in nuclear security applications, we need to improve on existing systems by making them smaller and more efficient. Unconventional Signal Processing of Source Term Signals For more details contact Will Ray ([email protected]) Water-Surface-Burst Fallout Model This project looks to deliver tools enabled with water surface burst fallout modeling capabilities for ground and airborne collection teams.