ORNL Supports the DNN University Consortia

Find a fulfilling career as a nuclear nonproliferation professional through ORNL’s partnership with the NNSA University Consortiums

From student to nuclear professional, start a chain reaction with your education and experience to specialize in defense and security applications.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), a part of the Department of Energy national laboratory system, is an integral component of the National Nuclear Security Administration Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (DNN) mission that can help you develop your path for a career in the nuclear enterprise. Internships, postdoc positions, and full-time research opportunities at ORNL in national security, specifically nuclear nonproliferation, will reveal opportunities to support domestic and international organizations dedicated to the peaceful use of nuclear and radioactive material.

Joining the DNN Research and Development consortiums allows students to do academic research and train in areas relevant to DNN’s nonproliferation missions. Engagements with a national lab like ORNL give students opportunities to expand upon the relevance and impact of their academic education and research through internships, mentoring and consultation with world-class scientists and through access to unique research facilities, laboratories, and instruments.  These engagements are critical to developing the next generation nuclear nonproliferation workforce.

Students who wish to get involved with a consortium should look at the CNFETIMTVNSSC consortia websites to find out which universities and professors are involved. Students are encouraged to contact their universities’ consortium directors and professors to learn more about the exciting research challenges and opportunities in the field of nuclear nonproliferation.